3's Curriculum
Circle Time Discussion: Science topics; weather/calendar introduction; pledges; receptive (listening) and expressive (speaking) language skills; discussion skills; vocabulary expansion; picture reading; interpersonal relationships; show 'n tell.
Bible: is taught and integrated throughout the entire day; values/manners; virtues; a child learns that he is special and God loves him for who he is; Bible lessons, stories and concepts are taught through dramatic play, songs and games which are age-appropriate; Chapel time.
Action Rhymes and Poems: language expression; auditory discrimination in rhyming words; Introduction to Sign Language.
English Skills: receptive and expressive language skills; visual and auditory discrimination; language-experience activities for print awareness (such as labeling, experience charts); dramatizations (dramatic play); creative movement; imitative play; stories; introduction to Spanish.
Math: number and numeral recognition 1-15; counting; sorting and classifying; graphing; sequencing; number associations; simple addition.
Arts and Crafts: creative expression; observation skills; eye-hand coordination; mediums using clay, play-dough, paint, crayons/markers and various resources from nature; recycled materials from home.
Cooking: sensory and language experiences; print awareness in "reading" labels and recipes; vocabulary expansion such as hot, cold, empty, full and terms of measurement.
Motor: locomotor (gross), axial (twisting, bending...), and manipulative (fine) motor skills; vocabulary expansion in directional terms such as up and down, top and bottom; optional after school enrichment programs are provided with Snapology, Kidokinectics and Ballet on selected days.
Music: singing; listening; movement; using various musical instruments; sound comparisons; playing related to class themes; music and movement class.
Literature: listening; print awareness; environmental print; picture reading; introduction left-right tracking; language development and listening skills that include color words, shapes, animals, transportation, community helpers, health, safety and manners.